Mission & Vision

"We proclaim him, warning and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone mature in Christ."
Colossians 1:28 (CSB)

The Mission

“We exist to Glorify God by inviting every person to take their Next Steps toward Christ.”

We desire to fulfill the Great Commission by proclaiming the gospel, faithfully teaching the Bible, and discipling believers to grow into maturity to look more and more like Jesus. We want to come alongside of you to take your next step, whatever it is, to grow to be like Jesus and share the good news in Northern Kentucky and the Nations.

Our Vision

We want to match the pioneering spirit of our church founders in fulfilling the Great Commission, reaching the lost, maturing believers, raising up pastors and missionaries, and planting a church.  

In the next five years, we aim to either launch a new church, partner with an existing church in need of revitalization, or establish a new campus, all with the goal of developing a self-supporting, autonomous congregation.

Our Values

These values guide everything we do. We hope that when you visit Hebron Baptist Church you feel and see that these values define us.
  • Prayerful Dependence – We depend on God for all things through regular prayer together and in private devotions.
  • Biblical Faithfulness – We trust God’s Word as our guide, authority, and conscience in everything. 
  • Meaningful Membership – We Covenant to serve, love, and submit to one another as we fulfill Christ’s Mission.
  • Intentional Discipleship – We seek to grow ourselves and one another in trusting and following Jesus.
  • Urgent Evangelism – We seek to share the Gospel with a lost and dying world
  • Engaging Worship – We seek to honor God both in our daily lives and in our corporate gatherings.
  • Joyful Hospitality – We open our church and our homes for the sake of loving our neighbors.
  • Sacrificial Giving – We willfully give, surrendering our time, talent, and treasure for the cause of Christ.

What We Believe

There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope at your calling - one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all. Ephesians 4:4–6 (CSB)  

Our history

As we look back on the history of Hebron Baptist Church over the past 60 years, we will trace a pattern of God’s faithfulness to Himself and to us as He has worked out (and is working out) His purposes for His covenant people. 

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