180 Student Ministries NERF War!

If you are in grades 6th-12th we want to invite you to Hebron Baptist Church's NERF War! This event will be on Friday, April 27th, 2018 from 6-9pm. The cost is $5 per person or $25 per team. This price includes pizza, NERF war, safety glasses, games and prizes. Teams will consist of 5 people and can be made up of any age group or gender. You may bring your own NERF gun but please DO NOT bring bullets. We will have traditional bullets and Rival Nerf Balls for the war. If you plan on attending, please fill out the form below and download, fill out and bring the medical release form that is at the bottom of the page. We hope to see you there!

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Medical Release Form

Please download and bring this medical release form to the church either before the event or the evening of the NERF War. Without this form filled out you will not be able to participate!

If you have any questions, please feel to reach out. Tbenge@hebronbaptist.org